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Using here documents in a Pinch

Imagine you're working in a Kubernetes environment and need to troubleshoot an issue with a PHP application running in one of your pods. You exec into the pod to investigate, but to your surprise, there are no text editors installed. This is common in container images designed to reduce attack surfaces and resource usage. However, you need to create a PHP file to test some code changes. You can do that with here documents.

July 13, 2024 by Sharjeel Aziz6 minutes

#bash #commandline #curl #devops #here-documents #heredocs #shell

Understanding and Implementing DORA Metrics

DORA (DevOps Research and Assessment) metrics serve as a crucial checklist for tech teams, helping them gauge their efficiency in software development and deployment. These metrics are derived from extensive research aimed at understanding what drives successful tech teams.

June 30, 2024 by Sharjeel Aziz7 minutes

#dashboard #devops #dora #flask #jenkins #metrics

Enhancing Bash Script Reliability with set -xeuo pipefail

Bash scripts are an essential tool for automating tasks and streamlining workflows and there are some key commands that can enhance the reliability, security, and debuggability of your scripts.

April 7, 2024 by Sharjeel Aziz5 minutes

#bash #coding #containers #dockerfile

Securing your Code for Production

When designing cloud-native security, you should start with the assumption that all systems can be compromised. The 4Cs (Cloud, Cluster, Container, Code) of cloud-native security adopt the defense in depth approach and divides it into four layers.

July 8, 2021 by Sharjeel Aziz3 minutes

#4cs #cloud #coding #secure #security

Container Scanning with Trivy in Jenkins

With unrelenting attacks from malicious hackers on business critical software and infrastructure, the "Shift-left" approach for security testing is gaining more momentum inside the enterprises.

July 2, 2021 by Faheem Memon4 minutes

#container #scanner #security #trivy

Introduction to Terraform

After almost seven (7) years in development, 11,000 pull requests, and 100 million downloads, Hashicorp Terraform has finally reached general availbility. Terraform has become a tool of choice for many DevOps teams for infrastructure provisioning and configuration. In this post we will review Terraform basics and write our frist Terraform script.

July 2, 2021 by Faheem Memon6 minutes


Admission Control in Kubernetes

Admission controllers are essential for security, governance, and configuration management in Kubernetes.

June 28, 2021 by Sharjeel Aziz7 minutes

#authentication #authorization #kubernetes

Kubernetes Authorization

Authorization grants you access permission for resources in the cluster. A Kubernetes cluster will only authorize your requests after authentication.

June 11, 2021 by Sharjeel Aziz6 minutes

#authorization #kubernetes

Kubernetes Authentication

Authentication in Kubernetes is about verifying the identity of users and services.

June 4, 2021 by Sharjeel Aziz4 minutes

#authentication #kubernetes